Friday, April 15, 2011


I would have to agree that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I see it everywhere. From a newborns first breath of life filling their little bodies, to the dust bunnies gathering under my bed for a meeting on how to overtake the house. Sometimes it's hard to see the little beauties, the "dust bunnies" in life. We all get so busy that we forget to stop and notice the many good and beautiful things going on around us.

Today I was out with Meesha, and stopped for a moment so she could smell who knows what, when I looked down, I noticed the lilac bush I had transplanted a couple years ago is budding. I doubt it will have blossoms this year, and I'm good with that, but knowing where it came from, and the story behind it, makes it a very beautiful thing even without flowers. When I picked up Jordyn from school, she was smiling...what could be more beautiful than the smile on a child's face? My husband going out of his way this morning to get me one of my favorite coffees...beautiful!

I know most people don't think I'm beautiful on the outside, and quite frankly I don't give a damn, anymore. There was a time that I worried about that. I had to fit in, and be with a certain crowd. Well, that crowd didn't want me, because I wasn't like them. I didn't worry about make up and all that other stuff. I still don't. I don't wear it on a daily basis, I'm beautiful without it. I think that anyone, male or female, that has self confidence, independence, integrity, honesty, and a slew of other positive attributes are beautiful beings.

It is my hope that the people I care so much about that sometimes it hurts will find something everyday that is beautiful. Take that quick moment to feel the beautiful warmth of the sun on your face, the rain drops that are natures beautiful way of cleaning and watering our beautiful planet. Think about something that is beautiful about you. I know for some that may be difficult, but, there is something extremely beautiful about each and every one of us. If you have trouble thinking of something beautiful about yourself, let me know. I'm more than happy to remind you. :)

We are all beautiful works of art, even with the "dust bunnies."