Saturday, January 7, 2012


Day-dreams, night dreams, good dreams, bad dreams...we all have them. What are some of yours? Where do you dream of spending the next 10 years, or your golden years? Have you succeeded at attaining any of your life dreams? Do you ever dream of the past, and how things would be different in your present life, if you had just made one decision different? Would your life be better now?

I love my dreams. They are mine. My private thoughts that can take me anywhere I want to go. They don't mean that my life now isn't great, it is. It just means that there are many parts about my life that I'm curious about had things played out a little differently. So, I day dream about where I would be right now, if I had just stayed where I was (in the physical sense) at that point in time.

I not only have dreams for myself, my "bucket list" of things I want to accomplish, but I have dreams for my daughter. I want to see her reach for the stars, grab hold of one, and let it take her as far as she can go. Everything she wants for herself as she grows and matures, I want for her. I dream of her having a family of her own someday (I'm in no hurry for that one), a career that makes her happy, a husband that treats her like the royalty she is, and a faith that she isn't afraid to share.

So, what are some of your dreams? Is there anything, as your friend, that I can do to help you make your dreams come true?