Monday, April 4, 2011

Alzheimers Disease

Ok, I'm a little behind already, but I saw this on my cousins blogs, so thought I would at least try. A-Z blog for the month of April. Blog everyday, except for Sunday. I'm already a few days behind, so, until I get caught up, I'll blog twice a day. Today will be A and B. :)

A = Alzheimers Disease

This is something I take very much to heart, and it breaks my heart when I hear of someone I care anything about seeing a loved one go through this. Horrible is an understatement for what this disease is. There is no word bad enough or negative enough to express what this disease does. It robs the person that has it of their recent memories. Bringing them back further and further in their lives, until in some cases, they are basically in a toddler state.

This disease affected me on a VERY personal level. It took my Gram's life, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Two things it NEVER took from her were her spirit, and her faith. Even during her last day, while I was with her, she couldn't talk, but I could see her spunky spirit in her eyes. Many of my visits with her were spent talking about her faith, and how it started at such a young age. Through everything that amazing woman went through, that never wavered.

Not only does this disease affect the person that has it, it also greatly affects their loved ones. I think the heart wrenching way it affected me personally, was that there was nothing I could do to help her. I wanted to take it away so she could remember my grandpa, and their marriage. Before she passed she went back to before she met him. She didn't know who I was, which was really hard at first, but you find ways to deal with it. She still always smiled when I called her "honey." Knowing that there was so much knowledge that she could have shared with the people that loved her so deeply, knowing that somewhere in that beautiful mind, was a women that had so much to offer was difficult to deal with. She was lost within herself.

There are people in my life that are at the beginning stages of this roller coaster ride that is Alzheimers. With all its hills, valleys and loops, my thoughts and prayers are with them. It's not easy, by any means, to sit back and watch this "thing" take over the person you love. Patience is something they will need a lot of, as well as understanding. It will take their loved ones mind, but it cannot take your memories.

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