Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Dearest Friends...

That would be all of you. Each and every one of you is very dear to me, and hold a very special place in my heart. From the one that stayed out until 3am with me in high school, only to get in huge trouble by our moms, to the one that took time out of her day (as well as her families) to help my family beautify our property and build a swing set for my daughter. From countless girls night out to taking me in as a member of your family, when I needed a break from my own. The ones I've known since Jr. High ("Hey, Hey we're the Monkeys...") to the ones I've never met )I do miss BBM...sometimes). You've stayed up late (sometimes all night) to help dry my tears, taken me to PP when I was terrified that I was pregnant, lent me money when I was broke and far from home. You welcomed me at a reunion for a school I didn't attend, and counted me as one of your own when I married Rob. You've prayed for me, cried with me, and held me even when I didn't know I needed it.

I love each and everyone of you. I care about you, your families and your friends. I worry about you with a whole heart. I want to share in your hopes, dreams, fears, passions and accomplishments.

Each and every one of you have touched me and my life in some way, shape or form. With an unconditional compassion and understanding for me, and where I am in my life. for that, I am forever grateful.

Thank you, with all sincerity, for choosing to allow me to be in your life. It's not something I take lightly. May each of you be as blessed as you have made me feel.

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