Sunday, July 24, 2011


Yeah, I'm really slow when it comes to this blogging the alphabet thing...but, as I tell my with it! :) Hopefully it will be worth it.

I've been thinking about the letter C and all the words I could use to blog about. Confessions (my mom reads this, don't think I'll go there), Compassion, Common-Sense...there are so many. I'm choosing Change, because it's something that in some cases can be so small, but can make a HUGE impact. In other cases it can be something so big, yet make a small impact.

My life is undergoing lots of change lately. Not so much when it comes to my family directly, but mine on a personal level. From loosing over 35lbs since January, to learning to balance family time, and time for me. I've cleaned everyone from work, and the church I attend out of my Facebook, with the exception of 3 people. This was a gradual thing, but really needed to be done. It was time to separate work/personal life. If there is something I want co-workers/members to know, I want to be the one to tell them, not someone else that saw it online.

The weight loss, I would have to say, has been the biggest change. It's changed so much about me, and I'm noticing a ripple effect on those around me. I'm eating healthier, which in turn is causing my family to eat healthier. I'm a happier person, now that I'm working out (as best I can), and those endorphin's are movin. I have friends and family that are jumping on board this train with me, which is awesome!! It's difficult for one to have to much positive support when going through a journey such as weight loss. Besides my outer appearance changing, my inner self is changing as well. I'm more confident, becoming more outspoken in situations where I would usually have kept quiet. I walk a little taller now, and take a bit more pride in myself. I can't wait to see and feel what else happens as I continue to loose more, and reach my goal weight. That will definitely be a day I will celebrate with anyone and everyone that is in the mood to party. :)

All this talk about change, next on my plate will be finding something I can volunteer with. Outside of work. There are so many things I enjoy, so many places I want to help, but, there is only one of me. It has to be something that works for my family. Our schedules are so full, and slightly out of the ordinary, because of Rob working 3rd shift. I want to take what I have learned in my life, and use to to help change the world on a smaller platform, then maybe, just maybe, it will have a pay it forward kind of effect. I want so badly to join up with CASA, but my schedule won't allow it. This saddens me, deeply. Hopefully, one day, when J is older, and able to be home alone, I will be able to do it. It's not a dream I will quickly give up on.

I want to change. Myself, the world inside my little bubble of friends and family, and if at all possible, even though I may never see it, the world as a bigger picture. I can't do much, and I don't have much to give. I have my heart. Which I will pour out and wear on my sleeve if I have to. I will make time. Sometimes, that really is all it takes to make a lasting impression on someone, and change their world - causing that ripple effect. I have my past. Filled with everything from disappointment to a kind of personal resurrection. I have an open-mind. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or your past...we all still bleed red.

My challenge to my friends/family that read this...find something that you can change that will in some way, shape or form cause a ripple effect. You don't have to see the results of what you do. Just know that one thing, one little thing, can really make a big difference. It only takes one spark to light the night. You have the power....what will you do with it?!

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