Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A friend of mine on Twitter made this comment, "...thinking how time flies and how some people are meant to pass through your life and not stay in it." This got me thinking about the friends I have had, as well as the ones I have now. It's amazing to me how each person is put in your life at the very time you need them the most. Sometimes that is for a very short time, sometimes it's for years. I can't say I have any of the friends I had as a child, and that is completely ok. I do often wonder how some of them are doing. Sharon, Danny, Jenny...they were all very special to me at one time. They were in my life at a time when I needed help with what would become a major transition in my life. They were a constant. Every other weekend, on visitation days with my sperm donor, they were there. I knew I could count on them to be there to "hang out" with when my sperm donor was the last person I wanted to be around. Now, the friends I have as an adult are just like Sharon, Danny and Jenny. They are a constant for me. The people I have chosen to surround myself with aren't going anywhere. Even if they do physically, the bonds that we have are stronger than any distance could be.

Recently I visited with a friend that I have had for about 8 years. She has watched my daughter grow from day 1. She was my last minute babysitter when I was about to pull my hair out, has been my shoulder on countless occasions, I stood up for her and sang in her wedding, we've shared numerous nights out at our favorite little hole in the wall (miss that place), she knows EVERYTHING there is to know about me, and loves me just the same. I'm truly blessed to have this remarkable woman in my life. I moved away almost 3 years ago, and for a while we didn't talk. Visiting with her was like no time had passed at all. I love her like my little sister, and would give her anything that she needed if I could.

I have seen many people walk out of my life. Thinking about some of them makes me a little sad...until I think of the things we did together, the memories that we made. I may never see these people again in person, but all I have to do is close my eyes and think back. It might only be back a few years, it may be what seems like a life time ago, but, when I close my eyes, there they are again. Thinking of them makes me happy, and hopeful for their lives.

Remembering the past isn't necessarily a bad thing. For without it, I don't think we would be who we are today. Everyone leaves a footprint on our lives. Sometimes that one print turns into many as the special people in our lives are there walking beside us. My hope for you is that you have the people in your life now that will help you get to where you are going, and remind you of where you came from.

Good Night.


Desperately Seeking Gina said...

lovely sentiments, Bekah. I look forward to reading more :)

Unknown said...

Moving around alot makes me think of the same things. Where are they now? Fortunately facebook has allowed me to re-connedct with quite a few :)