Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Where do you find yours? Do you find it in the simple things? Is your happiness dependent on someone or something else? These are just some of the questions that came to mind during a conversation with a friend of mine today. I've had all day to think about this, and really reflect on my own life. My own happiness, and where it comes from. Unfortunately, the answers I came up with were not what I had hoped for. But, the internal deep reflection has opened my eyes.

For so long, my happiness has been dependent on other people. In some cases it was my need to do things for others, which is a good thing for the most part. Unfortunately, I was so busy helping others, that I forgot to help myself. Yes, it makes me happy to help others, but there's that word...others. I need to find a way to help and take care of myself.

Is it truly possible for one to be completely happy within themselves? I think so. That's not to say that we don't need friendships and the such. But, I know for me personally, I have to learn not to rely on others for my own happiness. I will continue to help others, but for different reasons. Not because I feel like I have to, but just because I want to.

It's ok, in my opinion, to find happiness in other things and people...just don't let yourself become so dependent on it that you forget to take care of yourself. I'm trying to do more things for me, take some time for me. To be with myself, or to be with my friends. I'm still wearing the hats of a mom, a wife, and countless others. But, these hats do not define me. They are just a small part of my bigger picture.

Good Night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you totally. You have to be able to be happy with yourself by doing things that make YOU happy. I'm learning this also. It has taken me a long time to realize it, but finally have and am going to do something about it. I need to start putting me first and then concentrate on the other people in my life that are important to me. Because there is real truth in saying "if you're not happy with yourself, no one around you if going to be happy." I really feel that everyone around you feeds off your energy. Unfortunately my energy needs to be given an upgrade. Bekah.....go and be happy. Everyone around you will benefit from it.