Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time Flies

UGH, sorry I haven't been around. First sick, then a mommy get away weekend, then Rob was gone...just to busy!! So, tonight I'm making the time to write something. Not exactly sure yet, so just work with me.

I did realize something yesterday morning...and please, don't tell Rob that I'm saying this...I need him!! Who would have thunk that the "Miss Independent" I try so hard to be actually NEEDS someone? He and I have such a routine down in the mornings that him being gone really puts a crink in things. He may not do a lot without being asked, but the things that he does do, definitely don't go un-noticed.

I'm hoping now that I'm feeling worlds better, and Rob is home, that I will get back into my groove. I need to make more time for blogging. There are so many things that I want to say and share. Hopefully start a discussion or two. Be it here, or in your own homes.

I think that's enough for tonight...nothing to awful special. But, I haven't seen my hubby since Friday morning. I'm ready for some cuddles.

1 comment:

NotSoShyGal said...

Glad to see ya back and feeling better :)